Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns;
 yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? Matt. 6: 26-27

Yesterday,  we were able to establish that it's fear and faithlessness that inspires most of our unending pursuit for livelihood.
Fear, because we are not sure what tomorrow holds and faithlessness because, even when we know that God knows what tomorrow holds, we don't trust Him enough to believe that He has us covered.

I am one person that is a habitual worrier (if there's any word like that), when it comes to planning for tomorrow. But, do you know what, my best efforts adds up to nothing when you compare them to God's small interventions. There's nothing wrong in working hard and always making plans for tomorrow but it becomes wrong if our confidence for success is not based on God's abilities and promises. We tear ourselves thinking, worrying about tasks that are not ours to handle.

Look at the birds of the air....

 Well, before you say "am I a bird?", God is saying - "if I care so much for these ones, is it you that I created in My own image that I will not care for?
I have just begun a new journey of faith- of trusting more and tearing less and friend,  it works. I'm still learning though, taking it one step at a time.
I'd like you to join me. If divert all the energy we spend worrying about tomorrow to serving God, I'm sure we'll increase our productivity level.

Action Point
Identify those issues that you constantly worry about. Take them to God in faith and allow Him to take control.

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