Identity Consciousness (Joseph)

So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. (Gen. 39:10 NKJV) 

Today, we'll take our study of identity consciousnes from Joseph's example.
Joseph’s brothers sold him to slavery believing that that would put an end to his ‘dreaming’.   Truth is, when God makes you a promise, it does not matter what the devil may plot against you. The more the devil complicates his plot, the more he helps facilitate your breakthrough but that is only if you keep holding on to your identity as a child of God. Joseph went from the Ishmeelites to the house of Pharaoh’s  Security Chief. The Bible tells us that the Lord was with Joseph and prospered all that his hands found to do.  

So, in spite of being a slave, Joseph had the honour of being the over-seer in Potiphar’s house. He was steadfast, diligently going about his duties. It was that diligence and aptitude that drew Potiphar’s wife to him. There was also the part of the glory of God upon his life (God’s glory makes us attractive and draws people to us). 

This must have been a tough temptation for Joseph, given the excuses I hear men make when they are posed with such situations- it is our nature, you can’t blame or control nature. For Joseph, he was able to put off the fires of such evil nature because he upheld his identity as a child of God higher than the pleasures Potiphar’s wife had to offer him. Some other young men would have jumped at Potiphar’s wife’s advances because it would have meant double honour for them; being equal with their master. Genesis 39:7-13. 

Joseph never wanted to sin against God even though he would have been able to justify that by saying- “where was God when I was sold into slavery?” as we often justify our sins when we are going through trying times. Although the evil woman maliciously lied against Joseph and he was thrown into prison, that did not make Joseph deny God. And the promise of God about rewarding us when we do not cast away our confidence was greatly fulfilled in Joseph’s life.   

Do not throw away your identity and heritage; nothing is of more value. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Mark 8:36 The Bible records how God blessed Joseph and restored all those years that he seemed to have lost.


Lord, I pray for the grace to never forget who I am in You.

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