Love is the seeker

As we round up in this short series, it’s important to consider the all important navigator- love. The question of what treasures to seek, where to store the treasures and ultimately what goals to pursue, all have their answers in love.

When we love the Lord with all our heart (Matt. 22:37), there’s no way we’ll find fulfillment going after any other thing other than the righteousness of His Kingdom. Love will compel us to give our resources without murmuring; our time without being pushed. Love is what sets us on the go for the promotion of the Kingdom of God. Without a genuine heart of love, going out for the lost will be burdensome; evangelism will be stale. Love is so..o important because it’s the one thing that enables us to seek God and the interests of His Kingdom FIRST!
It was this kind of love that made David sacrifice water to God, in spite of his own thirst. Each time I read that story, it just humbles me.
 So the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, drew water from the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate, and took it and brought it to David. Nevertheless he would not drink it, but poured it out to the LORD. (2 Samuel 23:16 NKJV)
David realized that the water that was fetched for him to drink had become more than just water. Three men risked their lives to fetch it. They took that risk because they wanted to please him and most importantly to help quench his thirst. Yet, David poured the water out to God. That’s just how love compels you. God takes His rightful place when we give Him our hearts in love. It becomes natural to put His purpose first. Did God have need for that water? No! What happened to David was that his love for God had given birth to reverence and preference.
You can’t have a successful Christian life without loving the Lord; you’ll soon tire yourself out.
Prayer Point
Lord, I want to love you as I ought. Please transform my heart by Your Spirit

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