Where is your heart?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt. 6:21 NKJV
Yesterday, we touched a little on the verse of Scripture above but there’s still so much to draw from it. I would have put it this way- where your heart is, there your treasure will be also. My reason would be because we tend to lavish care (usually consisting of our treasures) on the things or persons that we love (where our heart is).
Huh! That’s not what the Wisdom of God says. Our treasures have the power to pull our hearts around.
Our hearts decide what we call treasures and once that decision is made, it goes wherever the treasures are. Know this, that our heart can only make the right decision as regards what to treasure and where to store them only by the Spirit of God. And that is a product of a healthy relation with God (that’s the subject for another day).  
Let me make a little more effort at explaining ‘heart following treasure’.  Imagine that someone bequeaths $10m to you in these good times but says it can only be accessible to you through one of the not-so-reputable mushroom banks. Well, you may not like Bank 4-1-10 but they have your $10m. If there’s anything you can do to help keep them afloat, you are sure to do, because of your inheritance. It won't be strange if you are found praising them, trying to make people see that they are really not ‘as bad as you think’.    
In the same way friend, when we start keeping our treasures (wealth, virtues, talents, energy, time) here on earth, before long, we’ll start pursuing the interests of the world, making excuses for the evil in the world and compromising our standards. And soon, this place will begin to feel like Home to us. 
To conclude, can I say, “relocate your heart”? 😊 Don't allow temporal wealth to steer you away from eternal glory.
Prayer Point
Lord, please give me the grace to set my heart on things that are of eternal worth.

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