But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matt.6: 33 NKJV

This verse of Scripture is one very popular verse that we often use while talking to unbelievers about the need to embrace Christ. We sometimes make it look like it’s only about giving our lives to Christ and afterwards, we stop seeking.
The admonition to seek the Kingdom of God first came as a conclusion to the message that Jesus gave in Matt. 6 about finding and keeping treasures. We have established that treasures are defined by how and where they are kept or stored and not necessarily by what they are.

Here, God is not just talking about laying up our treasures in heaven but for us to ensure that when we go out to gather these treasures, we must first secure such treasures that can be stored in heaven. Yes, because there are some of our treasures that have no eternal relevance.  
Matt. 6:33 is therefore a call to service and undivided commitment to the things of God. It’s prioritizing every Kingdom agenda. When you need to buy an SUV that costs about NGN8m and you first think of the  missionary who needs a motorbike in order to reach the unreached and you lower your choice in a bid to accommodate that need, you have actually responded to the charge. Sometimes even, you can forfeit buying that your choice luxury car because the Lord has need of the money. You can cut down on the hours you put into your business or career, just so that you have more time to serve in Church.

…and all these things shall be added…God says if we can trust Him enough to put His heart beat first, then He’ll give us every other thing that we could ever ask for. One of the key reasons we still run after the things that ought to be running after us is faithlessness or what we call ‘fear of the unknown’. Let us reverse the order! Put God first and He’ll do the rest!

Prayer Point
Lord, please give me the grace to always put you first.

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