Salt of the earth (5)

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men (Matt. 5:13 NKJV)
We are still talking ‘the salt of the earth’. Before we round up on this instructional series, let’s touch a little on some of the sundry uses of salt.  
Medical science says that salt is the only element that is found in every single cell in the human body. And that without salt, humans would die. I’m sure you must have heard that before now. Salt water is great solution to kill germs. People gargle with saIt to get relief from sores in the mouth. Salt is used to remove stains from ceramics, keep ants and other insects away. Salt, salt, salt….

If God says that we are the salt of the earth, then we must make effort to function in all of these capacities that we have learnt about salt. Anything less could very well mean that we have lost our flavor and therefore will be thrown away….God forbid!  
Are you wondering how you can be all purpose; healing, preserving, beautifying, thawing etc? That’s who we are. That’s why He says “you are the salt….” 

However, sin is the one thing that throws sand into our salt. It incapacitates us in every area! 

Another hindrance is lack of fellowship to the source of our saltiness. When we do not stay in touch with the Holy Spirit, before long our salt will begin to absorb moisture and will soon be overtaken.

You are the salt; the definite answer to the needs of mankind.We must be conscious of who we are. It helps to keep us in check.

Prayer Point
Lord, please help me never to lose my saltiness.

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