Recipe for Success...Joseph's example

There is no one greater in this house than I; nor has he kept back any thing from me but you, because you are his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? Genesis 39:9  NKJV

The story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife is popularly taught from the point of resisting sexual harassment. That is clearly true but I want to share the story from another perspective as did a colleague.
The story is a demonstration of integrity in spite of the prize at stake. Yes the prize! You can bet that apart from the flitting pleasure, Mrs. Potiphar must have also offered Joseph some other incentives.
Now, let's take the story to a typical work place. Your manager asks you to falsify some documents in a bid to defraud your company. He goes on to promise you security cover in case...⚖.
Nobody has to know, he adds. Hmm..m, that sounds nice because such level of collaboration will help launch you into the league of big boys.

So, what would you do?
Can you respond like Joseph? 
What would be your biggest consideration? Not to sin against God or not to be caught?
Truth is, most times when we respond with 'God forbid! I can't!', it's because we are afraid of being caught. 
Anyway, we all know how Potiphar Group of Companies went aground. Had Joseph compromised, he would never have become a Prime minister in Egypt.

Child of God, nothing is worth trading your identify for. Ill gotten wealth never really adds to anyone. God gives success.

Prayer point
Lord, please help me to be a role model in the order of Titus 2:7.

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