Get out of the salt shaker

"You are the salt of the earth;...Matt. 5:13a

Have you ever had difficulty getting salt out from the shaker? Some times after several attempts you’d just decide to open the shaker. In some cases some people would add few grains of rice in order to help agitate or stir the salt.
So many of us Christians are like that. We have become so cosy in our Church world that there’s no hunger to reach out. There’s no way we can be salt of the earth inside the salt shaker. Yes, there’s the fear of contamination which is the reason some of us prefer to stay inside but that is contrary to the Word of God. We are the ones to contaminate the world by our lives; by our saltiness and not the other way round. 

But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. (Acts 17:6 NKJV) 

Please read Acts Chapter 17. The verse of Scripture above is the statement the men of Thessalonica made about Paul and Silas. They said these men have turned the world upside down with their doctrine. These were just Paul and Silas. If we go out with the gospel of Jesus, we too can turn this world inside out to the glory of God.

Action Point

Get out of the salt shaker!

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