Good Success

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8NKJV).

In these times when all we hear is economic crises and tales of woe, there is a seal of exemption for those who are ready to take God’s recommendation. Read Joshua 1:8.
The Word of God must not depart from your mouth. This can only be possible when the Word resides in our hearts. For out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45c).
When we have not stored up the Word, there will be nothing to speak. We can recreate our world by speaking the Word of God to our situations (John 6:63). However, speaking the Word alone cannot bring us success; the cycle must be complete.

...meditate (think, ponder, consider, reflect, ruminate) in it day and night._ When we keep thinking about the Word of God, it will keep us focused on the realities of our redemption. It will produce a defense against every anti-covenant thoughts; such thoughts that produce fear and defeat.

...observe to do according to all that is written in it. This is what puts the seal on meditating and confessing the Word - walking the Word. No matter how much we confess or meditate on the Word, until we start doing what it says to do, it will never produce any result for us. The Bible is emphatic on DOING ALL.
We cannot choose which part of Scriptures to obey if we wish to PROSPER! How much of the Word we are ready to obey determines how much of the power in the Word that will work for us.
...then you will make your way: This clearly implies that we are the ones to determine if we’ll be prosperous or not. It is our responsibility to do as we have been INSTRUCTED if we must see the other conditions met in our lives. For us to see God’s manifestation in our lives, there’s always a part for us to play. 

Obedience is our part of the deal and the release of our blessings is God’s. When Jesus turned water to wine, it was because the servants obeyed and filled the pots with water (John 2:5-10). God is not limited; we set the limits for ourselves.

….prosperous, and then you will have good success. To be prosperous is much more than a fancy apartment, luxurious cars and even financial abundance.
This is God’s definition of prosperity-Soul prosperity is a healthy spiritual life that is based on obedience to the Word of God. Any kind of prosperity that excludes the prosperity of the soul is whirlwind. 

And good success? It’s that type that makes rich and adds no sorrow. It’s the type that stores treasures here and hereafter!

So, come on! Do your part and see His glory shine through!

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