Salt of the earth (3)

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men (Matt. 5:13 NKJV

Back in the days when Adire (tie-and-die) patterns where the rave, most of us experimented with the craft. It was very common for Creative arts teachers to ask students to create a pattern of Adire as part of their assessments. I was one of those who got on that very interesting experiment. We were told that if the colours will last; without fading, then we must wash with salt. Later on, I learnt that you have to introduce salt early in the process if the dye will be properly fixated on the fabric. Salt is used as a fixative for dying in textile industries. 

So, how exactly should we manifest this amazing attribute of salt? As the salt of the earth, we are expected to retain or sustain beauty…wow! 😳
Colours shouldn’t fade around us! Destinies should be recovered and restored through us. When there’s gloom and hopelessness, we just light up the place with simple honest smiles. As salt, we should be willing to offer our shoulders to the teary and heartbroken. 

Today, a lot of people are going through all manner of difficulties. There’s a little thing you can do to make sure they do not fade away. You can help clothe someone today. You can help put food on  somebody’s table, regardless of the economic recession. You can also pray for someone's restoration.
Go on, let the world know that you are salt indeed!

Action Point
Determine today to help preserve someone’s colour from fading. Locate a needy and take action.

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