Thanks giving multiplies our blessings

 Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. Luke 9:16 NIV

The examples of our Lord Jesus at giving thanks should challenge us all. He gave thanks for and in every situation.
One can easily tell when you have a large crowd of over one thousand people even without asking the ushers to count the number of persons in attendance. Imagine having only five loaves of bread and two fish to feed such multitude. That was clearly a situation of inadequacy but He didn’t complain. He knew what to do, in order to make the difference. He lifted the shortage to Heaven, gave thanks and contacted divinity.
How can anyone explain feeding hundred children with five loaves of bread and two fish, not to mention five thousand men, with possibly eight thoUsan woman and children (considering the average ratio of men to women and children).

In this season of global economic crisis, you can still walk into your abundance by following the example of our Master Jesus. Lift up that little thing left, and give thanks.
Also, let no one tell you that there's nothing left to lift up. Even if your barn is empty and your brook dry, your account red and creditors are threatening, there’s still something to lift up to  Heaven in thanks giving. Lift up your heart and thank Him for your life. Express your confidence in His steadfast love and limitless provision. He will surely respond to you with His blessings.

Action Point
Read Habakkuk 3:17 as a pledge to the Lord.

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