Steps to praying effectively

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7 NKJV.

It’s sad to think that the path to our victory lies in obeying very simple biblical principles yet we all seem to be missing it.
Be anxious for nothing
This first part of the instruction is very important because anxiety has a way of robbing you of every sense of reasoning. Some of us interpret anxiety as an act of being responsible. I was a victim of anxiety for a very long time. I would think I needed to do something about everything even when the solution was clearly not in my hands. My best efforts sometimes left me frustration.
A lot of us are like that. We wake up early, sleep late, drawing up plans and charts when we ought to leave God to do His thing. I also think this is the most difficult part of the steps because once this is conquered you'd be able to absorb and believe the Word of God for what it is. Anxiety is an expression of faithlessness and often times, fear.

....but in everything by prayer and supplication... There’s no situation that prayer cannot address. However, the content and mode of our prayers is sometimes the inhibitor to the answers of our prayers. We sometimes pray amiss not necessarily because we ask for such things that serve only for self gratification. When we come to God in prayer, grumbling and complaining, we automatically shut ourselves out. There is a failure proof recommended procedure for prayer and until we follow that procedure, we just might be like one beating the air.

....with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
It can be difficult to give thanks if we keep our focus on the weight of our problem rather than the infinite problem solving ability of God. Giving thanks in the midst of a pending need can sometimes feel very unnatural but that's the way to access the supernatural provisions of God.
The emphasis 'but in everything' is just to let us know that there are no exclusive situations.
Praying with thanks giving should serve for every kind of prayer, in every kind of situation.

Action Point
Take delivery of your testimonies, pray with thanks giving.

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