Are you the Taster?

I had a chat with my Sister this morning and we were both complaining about these messages that ask you to send to ten (10) persons in 5 minutes and see what will happen to you. “If you have time for Jesus, send this message to ten persons”...lols.

Anyways, I told her about a forum I belonged to which was supposed to be Ministers’ forum but such messages were never lacking there. I tried several times to explain the aim of such but I wasn’t just seeing any changes. Messages with spiritual insights was seriously in short supply in that forum. So, I got fed up one day and left the forum. When I got to the part of leaving the forum, my sister said “no, no, you shouldn’t have left, you would have stayed back to help correct them in love”.

I responded, “it didn’t seem like they were willing to learn, I was already beginning to look like an ‘ITK’ (I Too know).

She said “sis, you know you can’t be salt of the earth in the salt shaker”
And I said, “but if you add too much salt to soup, you will spoil the taste.”

She gave it back to me with this response- “are you the taster? It’s only the owner of the food that can tell when the salt is too much.”

My sister was right! We often measure our efforts at serving God by our own standards. Here I am feeling I had contributed too much but maybe on God’s scorecard, I hadn’t even hit a two digits score. 
Please always allow the TASTER,  the owner of the Soup to decide when the  salt is too much.

Meanwhile enjoy this Veges soup from me with love!!!💖💖💞💞

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