In everything give thanks?

This is one of the most difficult injunctions of the Bible 1 These 5:18. How do you ask someone who lost a spouse, a child or sibling in a tragic accident to give thanks? Can you imagine looking into the eyes of a family member of any of the Brazilian footballers who died in the plane crash and saying, ‘in everything give thanks’?

After I lost my first pregnancy at barely two months, I had another one that I carried to term. The scan said it was a baby boy and my husband and I were ecstatic. We prepared like every young family would, for the arrival of our first child. The big day came and I had him through caesarean procedure but the baby died after three days. He had enlarged heart as a result of congenital malformation. It was as if my world stopped. I was still in the  hospital trying to recover from the pains of the surgery. The only thing that would have been able to ease my pains would have been having my baby by my side. Other mothers in the ward had theirs and the crying of their babies was a constant reminder that mine wasn’t there with me. To make matters worse, his milk will flow out and soil my night dress and underwear.  It was a night mare I thought I’d never recover from.

My husband and elder sister tried everything to help me recover but nothing seemed to be working. I was withering by the day. My ever vivacious  niece, Precious couldn't get Aunty Amaa to smile or play. I was worried too.

One day, I decided I would go back and find comfort from the Lord, after all He is our Comforter. I started feeding myself with the Word afresh and listening to gospel songs. I pasted short verses of Scriptures all around by bedside. Habakkuk 3:17 was definitely in the center.
Bob Fitt’s You are so faithful was my daily companion. I didn’t just sing along but I let myself believe every word of its lyrics. I began to praise God!
Before long, the cloud rolled away and I could smile again. My fears left and confidence in God’s love returned. One year three months later, God gave us the most adorable daughter, Janelle.

I was the one who needed to thank God so that I could secure His presence for the next phase of my life. Giving my pains to Him in thanks giving turned my life around.

Are you beaten and confused? Break the chains today by thanking God for the life you have. The sun will shine again!


  1. Hi Amara

    Glory be to God. Thank you so much for sharing this story. Take Care

  2. Thank you for your testimony. Thanksgiving simply tells God we still have faith and trust in Him. I am blessed.


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