On the Las Vegas massacre...

Watching and listening to the news on the monstrous event that claimed the lives of 58 innocent people, points one to so many realities.

The man who committed this unt
hinkable evil, was an American who was living the ‘American dream’. He had never had to pay for electricity without any power supply. I can bet that he had never had the fender of his latest model SUV pull out because he made a wrong plunge into a ‘pot-hole’. I know for certain that he never drove a sick relative to a hospital and was told that doctors were on strike.

Stephen Paddock was blessed by human standards. He was rich enough to have owned two private aircrafts. He was also reported to have loved the Sin City, Las Vegas.
What could have gone wrong with such a man? It hasn’t been established that he was linked to ISIS or any other Islamic group. This was a premeditated evil; one that he spent money, time and careful planning to achieve.

Friend, no matter what the investigations throw up tomorrow, it is clear that this seemingly blessed man was frustrated, bitter and eaten up by the devil. It made me think about Luke 12:15 again – And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Indeed the content of our lives is not in the things we possess.
If such a wealthy man could feel so much emptiness to have committed such a mindless act, then it is certain that he lacked that one thing that makes life full and worth living- loving the Lord.

This incident and several others of its kind affirm the Scriptures in Matt. 24:12 and 2 Timothy 3:1-4 about the last days. Today, like no other time in history, the love of men are waxing dead cold, men are unloving, unforgiving, despisers of good, unholy, brutal, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

We are living in the last days; the signs are all here. The Bible also said that activities will be going on like nothing is wrong, to the point that men will not be mindful of these signs (Matt. 24:38 – 39 paraphrased).

The question for us is, “had I been one of the victims of this massacre, the hurricanes or the mudslide, would I have made it to eternity with Christ?’ Before you say, “God forbid”, please take time to answer this question honestly.

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims. May the Lord comfort you all.

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