The Power of obedience

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. Deut. 28:1

The strength of our relationship with God is a direct product of our obedience to God. Every form of disobedience robs us of our connection to God.
 It’s important to note that every promise of God come with terms and conditions that must be kept in order for us to access them. The simple act of following God’s instructions is the pass code to our inheritance in Christ. Ok, it’s not so simple but we can make obeying God a lifestyle if we agree that God’s instructions are all in our best interest (Jeremiah 29: 11).

Obeying God can also be made easy through practice. Practice will always increase our abilities at an act. We can start practicing the act of consciously obeying God at very small things.

We almost all think about disobedience to God in terms of very big things like fornication, adultery stealing and the likes of those easily recognisable sins. Obedience to God should run from such small things as how we respond to our neighbour’s pains, to how we serve in His house and fellowship with Him. It should include how we are willing to play our roles as wives, husbands and children in a home. It should also include our willingness to allow Him to guide and control our lives.

The great king Solomon became God’s enemy after the celebrated blessings and friendship with God because of disobedience. ...“Because you have done this, and have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant. 1 King 11:11 NKJV

Action Point:
Take the Book of God’s instructions, study and walk in obedience. You might want to take one step at a time. Go ahead! His grace will surely multiple your strength.

It's not a weakness of faith to wait!

A friend once told me of her experience of a missing child. She kept her three kids somewhere around a large shopping mall while she went in to pick some items. The long queue at the payment point delayed her exit. The kids were worried and the only boy among the girls decided to move and "bring mum"! Shortly after, the mother arrived and another round of search began to look for the boy. He was found after two horrific hours of tearful search! You know the biting question from the mother? Why did you move from where I kept you?

Faith that walks must first learn to stand! Sometimes, God measures spiritual distance by how long you stay and not how far you have moved! Doing nothing could be hard work! Keeping quiet could be a "wise-collar" job. If the last call was to stand, my dear, stay put! Don't be pushed by insanity to prove your relevance. There are Jordans you cannot step into ahead of the Ark, otherwise, you will be washed away. There are waters you must never step on until you see Jesus and hear His "Come"! Faith can be proven by rest; by snoring in hope while the storm rages. Taking steps may be a proof of doubt. It is not every race that is inspired by courage. People could jump into spiritual canals out of fear. Saul pushed the sacrifice to make something happen! It was his last call to honour! He got his mandate torn without repairs!

It's not a weakness of faith to wait. Strength is renewed while waiting on the Lord. If you kick the ball before the whistle, your goal is a nullity. If you start running before the gun shot, you qualification is annulled. The first idolatry of Israel occurred when they couldn't wait for Moses' return from the mount. It was quiet where faith stood, it was "happening" where compromise was moving. Moses descended with a brighter reflection than their golden calf! His life overtook their lies!

In a generation that is always in a hurry, it takes faith to stay! In times when patience is blacklisted as impotence, where spirituality is defined by verbal stunts of imaginary prophecies and psychological construction of emotional bridges, you cannot follow this noise and not miss His voice!

Abraham's greatest regret was a wrong move to have a baby! Pentecost was the consequence of waiting!

You might be under pressure to do something, but if God says wait, every move is a crime!

I got this message from a friend and couldn't resist sharing it with you. I hope you are blessed by it. May you find the grace to continue to stay in God’s plan.

Eternal Perspective

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