Social Media and the social Christian

Keeping up with the frenzy of social media is fast becoming a herculean task for most people. More worrisome is the impact of this trend on an average Christian. 

Today, being social or sociable is measured by several  parameters, beginning from how many friends you have on Facebook, how many people are following you on Twitter, Google+ etc.

The point is, what do we really do with the 1000+ friends on Facebook, other than like their pictures and send birthday wishes? When we get on Twitter, what do we Tweet about? Should we really accept everyone’s friend request? 
I see respectable Pastors post 30 to 50 pictures of a Church service on Sunday afternoon after Church. Some of the pictures are intended to help us see how the Holy Spirit moved in the course of the service...nice! But sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t have been more impactful sharing highlights from the message that was preached. Are we really evangelising here? We all seem to be caught up in this ‘show me – see me’ band wagon. So, we are here sharing pictures, viewing pictures, liking and commenting where necessary, at the expense of several more important things in our lives.

Before you accuse me of judging you, I am also a culprit. How many hours, huh! (did I say hours)...I mean minutes do we really spend reading our Bibles? Is there such a thing as a time for meditation anymore? Sadly, the world is steering us in the wrong direction in the name success and knowledge. I see believers  typing ‘amen’ at a picture of pregnant women as a demonstration of their faith to get their own babies. Hmm...m! Who has it ever worked for? Find Bible passages that are relevant to your situation, read it, eat it, pray it and the creative power in the Word will come through for you. Anyway that’s the subject for another day.

There’s also the endless streams of WhatsApp messages and videos. One day, I spent close to two hours responding to WhatsApp messages. That’s when I started asking me questions.

My point dear friend is, most of us are wasting our destinies on social media. The devil wants to keep us at the level of the physical....enhanced pictures, flashy cars, fashion and all of them. Remember also that the things that are physical are temporal...flitting...ephemeral! 

While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 NKJV

Please let us do more to invest in our spiritual lives. That’s where the power lives. That’s what will count in the end. Please as a matter of urgency, censor your social media time! 



  1. God bless you ma for this hard truth. I am indeed ministered to by this message, and I will do my best to act on it. Thanks and more grace for more, and more reach out.

  2. God bless you ma for this hard truth. I am indeed ministered to by this message, and I will do my best to act on it. Thanks and more grace for more, and more reach out.


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