Get resolute with the Word!

Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction.
I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have given me life. Psalm 119:92-93 NKJV

I listened to a man of God teach the topic ‘Overcoming by the Word’. He enumerated some of the benefits that come from putting God at the centre of our lives, amongst other fiery facts.

I will like to share some of the key points I took from the message that evening. There’s no way you can be an overcomer if you are not one who is ready to live by the Word God. And to do that we must consciously strive to become Word addicts.
Becoming a Word addict is important but not so easy. Have you ever experienced any of these?
That it’s the time you schedule for personal Bible Study that something PRESSING always finds its way to your mind.
It’s easier to read a 1000 word count post on social media and even comment but when you want to read your Bible, a whirlwind of sleep just blows across your room 😄.
The  simple mystery (yes, mystery) is in Galatians 5:17- For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.

If we wait for that time when the physical man will consent to the pursuit of the things of God, then we’ll never grow in our  walk with  God. We must get resolute; take it by force...set new rules for ourselves. The Pastor suggested ‘No Bible, no breakfast’ as one of the ways. You can decide to make yours one chapter per lunch break. Anyhow, but take action!

You can consciously cut down on Social media. If we chart our time, you’ll be surprised to see how much time actually goes in to some of these platforms.
A friend told me how he removed his sim from his Tab so that study time will not be interrupted by text or calls. Great move!

Action Point
Get resolute about studying your Bible. Give it priority.

The Sword of the Spirit

Making the Word of God the controlling force of our lives is a license to supernatural victory. Everything we want to get or become is in the Word (John 1:1-3).

If you take a closer look at the Scriptures in Ephesians 6:13-17, you’ll see that four out of the seven weapons listed, are rooted in the Word.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
You know that faith is connected to the Word because it can only come through the hearing of the Word. So, if you want to go higher on the platform of exploits, embrace the Word.  Store it up. It will help build your faith.
The Word (the Sword of the Spirit) is the only weapon that is given to us for defence and offence.
And the Sword of the Spirit: A friend shared a testimony of how they went to demolish a dangerous shrine somewhere and the worshippers of the deities came to attack them. The war was a war of words. The idol worshipers made their enchantments, praising and making their claims to their gods. My friend and the other brethren with him, continued on the other side with the Sword of the Spirit and you can bet that the greater Sword swallowed the lesser.

We too can demolish altars and high places of the wicked by the Sword of the Spirit.

Action Point:
Draw up a study plan this year. Try to cut down on TV and social media. Add the time gained to your study time and I bet you, you would have achieved a turn around this year.

Grace Springs: Men carry green pastures!

Grace Springs: Men carry green pastures!: Bishop Oyedepo always say that "men carry green pastures" but I never really understood the depth of that statement until I ha...

Men carry green pastures!

Bishop Oyedepo always say that "men carry green pastures" but I never really understood the depth of that statement until I had the experience I want to share with you.

I went for outreach to somewhere in Bonny Island one evening after work. That part of the town was dark; without electricity. The few people who had light, had their generators on. I was a bit surprised at first but I took it to be our usual power outage case even though that's rare in Bonny. When I was later told that they don't have electricity at all, I went😳.

Most of the people I met there were non-indigènes. So I started wondering how anybody could cross the sea to come to Bonny (a community that is famous for constant power supply) only to live in darkness.
While I was pondering over it, the message of Bishop Oyedepo popped up in my mind- "men carry green pastures". If you don't carry it, you will still be living in darkness even in a land that supplies light.

Are you living in darkness in the midst of light? You can pray today like Jabez...that God should bless you indeed (1 Chron. 4:9-10).
The favour of God upon any man can supernaturally turn any destiny around. God made the land of Gerar green for Isaac. He can do the same for you. All we need to do is obey Him.

Eternal Perspective

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