Men carry green pastures!

Bishop Oyedepo always say that "men carry green pastures" but I never really understood the depth of that statement until I had the experience I want to share with you.

I went for outreach to somewhere in Bonny Island one evening after work. That part of the town was dark; without electricity. The few people who had light, had their generators on. I was a bit surprised at first but I took it to be our usual power outage case even though that's rare in Bonny. When I was later told that they don't have electricity at all, I went😳.

Most of the people I met there were non-indigènes. So I started wondering how anybody could cross the sea to come to Bonny (a community that is famous for constant power supply) only to live in darkness.
While I was pondering over it, the message of Bishop Oyedepo popped up in my mind- "men carry green pastures". If you don't carry it, you will still be living in darkness even in a land that supplies light.

Are you living in darkness in the midst of light? You can pray today like Jabez...that God should bless you indeed (1 Chron. 4:9-10).
The favour of God upon any man can supernaturally turn any destiny around. God made the land of Gerar green for Isaac. He can do the same for you. All we need to do is obey Him.

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