Beyond the rat race

I found this book title (Beyond the rat race) quite intriguing the first time I happened upon it online. I mused over some of the author‘s highlights for a long time. It took me to the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:15-21.

So, this rich man made it to Forbes list of 10 richest men in the world; he could afford everything that money could buy. He thought he had ‘arrived’ as we almost all aspire to. He must have thrown a big bash to celebrate his wealth, with friends and even foes waltzing around him.

Suddenly, his Owner says, “stop the music; the dancing...the party is over”. 😱 Would you have thought that such a big man was also owned? Yeah, there are people who sometimes appear so formidable that we think they are not owned by God.

Back to the rich fool. Why did his Owner stop the party? God wasn’t angry at his being rich and famous. God was disappointed because he wasn’t rich in anything of eternal relevance....he wasn’t rich towards God.

But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:20-21

Dear friend, what is the reason behind your racing up and down, working round the clock and chasing after business and career opportunities?  Is it so that your barn will be full or so that you will be rich towards God?

While we struggle to lay up treasures for ourselves, please let us do all that is within us to be rich towards God.

Eternal Perspective

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