As occasion demands...

It’s amazing to note all that the Holy Spirit is given to us for. When our Lord Jesus made us the promise of the Comforter, He meant much more than Someone who pats us in the back and says ‘stop crying, I will help you’. The Greek word Parakletos is the primary word for the Holy Spirit. It’s translated to mean all of the following – Advocate, Comforter, Helper, Counsellor, Intercessor, Strengthener and STANDBY.

Saul’s encounter with the person of the Holy Spirit is one clear indication that there’s so much we ought to be doing by the Holy Spirit. And yes, the person of the Holy Spirit existed in the old testament only that then, He came upon people while in the dispensation of the new covenant, He lives in us. Anyway, that’s the subject of another day.

So, Saul met prophet Samuel who prophesied and said to him, that the Holy Spirit will come upon him and He will be turned into another. The Bible further explains what it means to be turned into another man- you will do as occasion demands.

Doing as occasion demands means having a ready solution for every situation. It means walking in and working out our dominion over every situation. If Saul could get to that level by the Spirit upon, shouldn’t we be much more by the Spirit within?

Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you. (1 Samuel 10:6-7).

A brother of mine was trying to give me the description to a certain place and said, “if you can’t find it, use your divine compass”. It should have been a joke but I thought of it for a long time. ‘Use your divine compass’. The Holy Spirit is amongst many Supernatural manifestations, our Divine Compass; to guide and direct!

I believe that if we allow the Holy Spirit indwell us as He desires, we will be empowered to ALWAYS do as occasion demands.

Lord, have Your way in my life.

Eternal Perspective

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